Diane Victor

Diane Victor first worked at The Artists' Press in March 2009. One of her first comments on arriving at the studio was that "I know these hills, I used to walk here as a child" she said pointing to the granite outcrops on the edge of the valley. Turns out that an uncle of hers used to farm azaleas and avocados up the road from the studio.

Diane Victor is somewhat like a spring, tightly coiled, tiny and capable of great power. Physically she travels light perhaps as a counterpoint to the weight of the issues that she deals within her work. She prefers imagery to words and the strength of her visual eloquence hits one in the gut and takes one's breath away.

Perhaps the words that best describe both the artist and her work is paradox and dichotomy. One senses that she would be happy never to see or hear humans again and yet she is a dedicated and brilliant teacher. Her work examines the underbelly of society and our lives with an extraordinary intensity and yet the marks that she makes are exquisitely beautiful.

Diane Victor has won numerous awards (since the time of being a student, in the late 1980's) and has exhibited widely in South Africa and overseas. Her work is in leading South African corporate, state and private collections (where it has been known to stir up staff sensitivities) as well as in international collections including the Museum of Modern Art in New York (her Disasters of Peace prints being purchased to complement the museums collection of Goya's Disaster's of War).

As one of South Africa leading artists there is much information on the web about her, perhaps best covered here Diane Victor at Art Co Za and at Artthrob

Diane Victor's Archive of Prints Made at The Artists' Press

Watch a Diane Victor YouTube video (courtesy of Thomas Mills, Rhodes University, Grahamstown)

New Editions

Artists A - L  (listed alphabetically by surname)

Artists M - X (listed alphabetically by surname)

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woman carrying a man on her back walking away from tree with decimated landscape beneath it

Title: Surveying the Terrain
Medium: Two colour lithograph
Paper size: 56 x 76 cm
Image size: 47.6 x 67.7 cm
Edition size: 25
Price: R 13 230 (excl.VAT)

Detail of Surveying the Terrain print showing woman's face with a baby tucked against her chest

Title: Surveying the Terrain (detail)

Lithograph of a woman standing with leaking bucket in front of burning Notre Dame Cathedral

Title: Burning Day
Medium: Three colour lithograph
Paper size: 36.5 x 43.6 cm
Image size: 24.7 x 32.8 cm
Edition size: 30
Price: R 8 300 (excl.VAT)

Woman carrying multiple burdens with the shadow behind her full of burning homes and fighting people.

Title: Scorched
Medium: Hand coloured lithograph
Size: 56.5 x 76 cm
Edition size: 35
Price: R 13 900 (excl.VAT)

"The work responds to the ongoing wave of violence particularly against woman in our society. Rural women in South Africa often bare the brunt of social upheavals and violence, while still being expected to maintain the family structures that hold their communities together. Added to this is the scourge of domestic violence, community violence and often downright criminal behavior.

The woman in the image carries a heavy load from which leaks appear, like rain, metaphorically losing the things she values. This drips down and yet cannot extinguish the burning shadow that she always casts behind her. Her shadow scorches both earth and community in its wake. In war times, scorched earth strategies intentionally destroy everything of value to inhibit enemy progress. In a similar way scorched societies self destruct and destroy their own values and people." Diane Victor 2018

Male figure with bandaged hand towering over a graveyard

Title: The Middleman
Medium: Single colour lithograph
Paper size: 66 x 50.5 cm
Image size: 50 x 35 cm
Edition size: 20
Price: R 9 500 (excl.VAT)

man with fish in mouth carrying a man on his shoulders across river

Title: Spew
Medium: Single colour lithograph
Paper size: 40 x 31.4 cm
Image size: 34 x 25 cm
Edition size: 30
Price: R 6 600 (excl.VAT)

Three figures(one with a fox's head)in a boat rowing across rough waters.

Title: Kitsune, boating in a storm
Medium: Single colour lithograph
Paper size: 31 x 40 cm
Image size: 25 x 34 cm
Edition size: 30
Price: R 6 600 (excl.VAT)

Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox and is a common subject of Japanese folklore. Kitsune possess magical powers, have long life and are highly intelligent. They are shape shifters and often transform themselves into beautiful young women.

Diane Victor worked on the three prints below in 2014. She is battling a genetic kidney disorder which runs in her family. In early 2015 she received a kidney transplant after a lengthy and stressful wait to get permission from the Department of Health.

The prints speak for themselves. Crocodiles kill their prey by dragging it under water and weighing it down until it drowns. A collective noun for doctors is usually a doctrine, or a dose of doctors. Victor has come up with her own: a hyena skin of doctors. Employing the book advantage references legal trials in South Africa.

Crocodile skeleton drawn to mesh with the figure of a naked young woman.

Title: Undertaker
Medium: Single colour lithograph
Size: 51 x 66 cm
Edition size: 45

Hyaena skin being worn by a group of three medical practitioners with the shadow creating a single form.

Title: A hyena skin of doctors
Medium: Two colour lithograph
Size: 51 x 65 cm
Edition size: 45
Price: R 12 200 (excl.VAT)

Lawyer standing on a pile of books addressing a naked teenage boy holding a crow

Title: Employing the book advantage
Medium: Two colour lithograph
Size: 51 x 65 cm
Edition size: 45
Price: R 12 200 (excl.VAT)

Diane Victor self-portrait of her head and shoulders with goat head in her hands

Title: The Usher (self-portrait with goat)
Medium: Single colour lithograph
Paper size: 76.4 x 57 cm
Image size: 60.8 x 45.8 cm
Edition size: 25
Price: R 12 000 (excl.VAT)

Follow Diane Victor on Instagram

Diane Victor podcast on Hello, Print Friend

Photograph of Diane Victor standing in front of her self-portrait lithograph

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